Google Classroom as a Tool of Support for Flexible Learning in the New Normal

The global crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic affected all areas of life significantly paving the way to the new normal set-up. In response, the higher education system in the Philippines opted to implement flexible learning as its delivery model. Flexible learning unlocked critical areas in redesigning the pre-pandemic learning and teaching paradigm, one of which is the deployment of learning management systems or online platforms to contribute to the effective implementation of flexible learning. The present study attempts to explore Google Classroom’s potentials and acceptability as a tool of support to flexible language learning and teaching. A survey questionnaire was given to a group of 44 university students who completed the Purposive Communication course. Using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) analysis of data, the findings revealed that the majority of the students agreed that Google Classroom could provide accessibility, utility, and students’ satisfaction. Similarly, s.

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The COVID 19 pandemic has led us to use Google classroom in the teaching and learning process worldwide since it is easily accessible at any time to an unlimited number of learners. Despite many benefits claimed, previous literature also cautioned on challenges associated with this web-based platform, especially from the learners' point of view. Intrigued by these issues, the objective of this study is to explore the benefits and challenges in the adoption of Google classroom from the educators' perspective by referring to the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Thus, a phenomenography study had been employed, involving forty accounting lecturers from one of the universities in Malaysia. Data were gathered through an open-ended questionnaire and analysed qualitatively using NVivo 14. The results indicated that five emergent themes derived from the benefits namely outcome and process satisfaction, ease of use, paperless and usefulness. Meanwhile, four themes were elicited for challenges; attitude, student engagement, effort expectancy and facilitating condition. The benefits indicate the vast potential of online learning, while the challenges provide insight into what needs to be done. Hence, the optimum use of this web-based platform will enhance quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for both educators and learners.

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Google classroom is one of the educational web-based platforms that offersopportunities for learners to make meaningful connections with the real world. This platformhas rapidly defused into the educational system and becomes prevalent in higher institutions across nations. Apart from its impressive educational and digital features, it is offered for freeand therefore fitsany higher institutions, specifically those with limited resources to set up their own Learning Management System. Despite enticedwith excitement, bountiful predicaments might be encountered by learners in adopting the platform. Intrigued with these issues, the objective of this study is to explore benefits and challenges in the adoption of Google classroom from the learners' perspective. In pursuit of this, a phenomenography study was employed, involving103undergraduate learners from a Malaysian public higher institution. Data were gathered from web-based open-ended survey and analysed qualitativelyby NVivo 14.The results derived from emergent themes indicatethatGoogle classroom offered learners 4 benefits namely paperless communication, ease of access, interactions within web-based community andsystematic class management. Meanwhile, sub-themes emerged under the challenges were difficult to comprehend, late educator's feedback, unreliable connections, no in-person connectionsand lack of support. This discovery provides useful insights thatapart from technology, management support andknowledgeable educators are also essential in establishingan optimaldigital learningcommunity within a course. Additionally, this web-based platform empowers learners to be prepared with the outside world and succeed in the web-based environment.

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International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research

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The development of information technology in recent years developed very rapidly, so that with this development has changed the paradigm of society. One field that is getting a significant impact in the development of this technology is the field of education, where education is a process of communication and information from teachers to students that contains the information education, that sparked the birth of the idea of e-learning. The use of any e-learning system is always followed by a push factors, as well as e-learning launched by Google, the Google Classrooms that currently used by the majority of students in STT Musi. TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) is a model of user acceptance of information systems and information technology assume that there are two individual beliefs, they are perception of benefit (Perceived Usefulness abbreviated as PU) and ease of use (perceived ease of use, abbreviated as PEOU). Therefore, this study was developed by adopting the model of TAM to see from both the perception in the TAM that affect the use of Google Classroom by some students STT Musi. Population of this research is the students who are already using Google Classroom in the lecture. Data obtained as much as 90 questionnaires distributed by using purposive sampling technique to all students active in the odd academic year 2014-2015.Results from this study showed that the perception of perceived Easy of Use and perceptions of perceived usefulness positively affect the use of Google Classroom. And both these perceptions also jointly affect the use of Google Classroom.

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Journal of Advanced Research in Social and Behavioural Sciences Volume 20, Issue 1 (2020) 57-68

Google classroom is one of the education online stage that offer open doors for students to make significant associations with this present reality. This stage has quickly diffused into the educational system and become predominant in higher learning institutions across countries. Aside from its amazing educational and digital edge, it is offered for costing nothing and along these lines fits any higher learning institutions, explicitly those with restricted resources to set up their own Learning Management System (LMS). Regardless allured with excitement, abundant circumstances may be experienced by students in embracing the stage. Captivated with these issues, the objective of this research is to investigate the advantages and difficulties in the acceptance of Google classroom from the students' viewpoint. In quest of this, a phenomenology study was utilised, including 180 undergraduate students from a Malaysian public higher learning institution. Data were assembled from online open-ended survey and interpreted qualitatively by NVivo 14. The outcomes gleaned from rising subjects showed that Google classroom attempted four advantages to the students' specifically systematic class management, interactions within online community, facilitation of assignment and paperless communication. In the meantime, sub-subjects that developed under the difficulties were hard to grasp, late teacher's response, no in-person association, unreliable connections, and lack of management support. This disclosure gives supportive knowledge that apart from technology, management support and proficient teachers are also essential in building up an ideal digital learning network inside a course. Moreover, this online stage enables students to be equipped with the outside world and to be nimble with the online condition.

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European Journal of Educational Research