Getting started as a seller

If you want to sell your software in AWS Marketplace, review the requirements and then follow the steps to register as a seller. There are different registration requirements based on where you reside and what type of products you're selling. To register as a seller in AWS Marketplace, you can use an existing AWS account or create a new account. All AWS Marketplace interactions are tied to the account that you choose.


Seller requirements for publishing free software products

Regardless of whether you charge for your product when you offer it in AWS Marketplace, you're selling that product. The cost to the customer is $0.00, but you and the customer agree to a mutual contract for use of the product. If you offer only free products, you don't have to provide banking information to AWS Marketplace. To create and offer free products in AWS Marketplace, you must:

Additional seller requirements for paid products

If you charge for your products or offer Bring Your Own License model (BYOL) products, you must also meet the following requirements and provide this additional information:

To sell into the AWS GovCloud (US) Region, sellers must have an AWS GovCloud (US) account . For details on ITAR requirements, see the AWS GovCloud (US) User Guide.

For questions about AWS Marketplace seller requirements or the registration process, contact the AWS Marketplace Seller Operations team.

Eligible jurisdictions for paid products

To sell paid software in AWS Marketplace, you must be a permanent resident or citizen in one of the following countries or SARs, or a business entity organized or incorporated therein:

¹ Sellers of paid products in these countries must provide VAT registration information in country of establishment.

² If you as a seller are located in the same country as the buyer, you may be responsible for tax invoicing, collections, and remittances. Please consult with your tax advisor.

³ Sellers based in Japan have an obligation to self-account for the Japanese Consumption Tax (JCT) on the listing fee charges. Sellers based in other jurisdictions may have similar obligations. Please consult with your tax advisor.

For more information about VAT, invoicing, and your tax obligations as a seller, see AWS Marketplace Sellers on Amazon Web Service Tax Help .

If a business entity is not incorporated in one of the countries or SARs listed above, see Resource for companies outside of AWS Marketplace jurisdictions .

AWS Marketplace Management Portal

The AWS Marketplace Management Portal is the tool that you use to register as an AWS Marketplace seller. Then, you can use the portal to manage the products that you sell in AWS Marketplace. You can complete the following tasks on the portal:


Data products are published and managed from the AWS Data Exchange console. AWS Data Exchange providers can use the AWS Marketplace Management Portal to register as a seller, request AWS Data Exchange on-boarding, access seller reports, and submit refund requests.

All registered sellers can access the AWS Marketplace Management Portal using their AWS credentials for the account that they used to create their products. The account that you use is defined as the seller of record when a customer subscribes to your product. If you need help determining the specific account that is the seller of record for your products, contact the AWS Marketplace Seller Operations team.

AWS Marketplace strongly recommends using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles to sign in to the AWS Marketplace Management Portal rather than using your root account credentials. For more information, see AWS Marketplace security.