Family planning services in south africa

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Focus Areas Working towards global reproductive choice; autonomy and empowerment; and gender equality.

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Regional Hubs Supporting country-specific goals with ties to global family planning.

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Commitment Makers Creating a future for women and girls with the freedom and ability to lead healthy lives.

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Empowering accessible rights-based, family planning all over our world.

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Empowering the voluntary use of modern contraception around the world.

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The government of South Africa has made a commitment to prioritize family planning services and strengthen them, with a focus on dual protection.

In 2012, the country revised its contraception and fertility policy to address various issues related to contraception within a human rights context. The new policy ensures that a full range of family planning methods are made available at public health facilities. South Africa aims to target teenagers, given the high rates of teenage pregnancies, and implement a school health program for girls to provide information on reproductive health rights.

Commitments made to :

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The South African government committed to strengthening its family planning programs, service delivery, and policies in 2012. The government pledged to prioritize the strengthening of family planning services while emphasizing dual protection and to develop standard operating procedures for community health workers to best promote family planning

South Africa Commitment Objectives

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