90 Survey Questions For Your Comprehensive Plan

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Seek out new information, clarify your understanding, and expand your knowledge. By asking questions, you can learn more about a particular topic or issue while gaining a deeper understanding of it. Asking questions will challenge your own assumptions and biases, encouraging you to consider different perspectives on a subject.

Asking questions is also a useful way for people to engage with others and build relationships. By asking questions, you show interest in others and their ideas, creating opportunities for dialogue and discussion. Asking questions can also help people build trust and collaboration because it demonstrates a willingness to listen and learn from others.

In short, asking questions is an important way for people to gain knowledge, understand complex issues, and engage with others. It’s an important skill that can benefit individuals and communities in many ways, so we’ve given you a list of 100 survey questions to ask when creating or updating your comprehensive plans.

Land use survey questions for your comprehensive plan

This element of the plan outlines the types of development that are allowed in different parts of the community, such as residential, commercial, industrial, and recreational. It may also include information on the density and intensity of development, as well as the location of different types of land uses.

Transportation survey questions for your comprehensive plan

This element addresses the transportation needs of the community, including roads, public transit, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, and other forms of transportation. It may include information on the location and design of transportation facilities, as well as strategies for improving mobility and connectivity.

Economic development survey questions for your comprehensive plan

This element of the plan focuses on strategies for promoting economic growth and stability in the community. It may include information on target industries, business development initiatives, and strategies for supporting local businesses.

Housing survey questions for your comprehensive plan

This element addresses the housing needs of the community, including the availability and affordability of different types of housing. It may include information on housing policies, such as inclusionary zoning or density bonuses, as well as strategies for promoting the construction of new housing.

Natural and cultural resources survey questions for your comprehensive plan

This element of the plan addresses the conservation and management of natural and cultural resources in the community, such as parks, open spaces, natural areas, and historic sites. It may include information on strategies for preserving and enhancing these resources, as well as policies for protecting them from development.

Infrastructure survey questions for your comprehensive plan

This element of the plan addresses the infrastructure needs of the community, including utilities, public facilities, and other types of infrastructure. It may include information on the location and design of these facilities, as well as strategies for financing and maintaining them.

Community facilities and services survey questions for your comprehensive plan

This element of the plan addresses the types of community facilities and services that are available in the community, such as schools, libraries, hospitals, and public safety facilities. It may include information on the location and design of these facilities, as well as strategies for financing and maintaining them.

Intergovernmental collaboration survey questions for your comprehensive plan

This element of the plan addresses the relationships between the local government and other levels of government, such as the state or federal government. It may include information on intergovernmental agreements, shared services, and other forms of coordination.

Implementation survey questions for your comprehensive plan

This element of the plan outlines the steps that will be taken to implement the vision and goals of the plan. It may include information on the roles and responsibilities of different agencies and stakeholders, as well as strategies for financing and monitoring progress.

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Written by Tre'Vaughn Heath


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